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Counselling can heal the wounds from early experiences, and help a person be connected with their wise and compassionate self. This means being able to sit with uncomfortable feelings, and of connecting with those feelings while not being overwhelmed by them.



My approach aims to help individuals build their emotional vocabulary, develop confidence and self-compassion, and strengthen healthy coping strategies. Learning 'self-regulation' involves learning how to be witness to and care for your internal states, and understanding what it feels like to be calm and alert. Learning to recognize what activities help you to return to calm alertness most easily, as well as what pulls you out of that state is a key tool.

Self-regulation is what makes self-control and healthy choice-making possible.

Settings on offer for appointments 

In my practice, I offer a few different settings and modalities of practice.


1. I offer virtual therapy, which can be either in the form of a video platform or telephone.


2. Nature-based therapy can take the form of a walk-and-talk or meeting at a location outdoors


3. In-office therapy is available and can include art and expressive therapy or talk therapy.

Office Space

From time to time, being human can feel overwhelming.  Counselling can help to make some sense of life, and to help you return to a place of balance, and to make your way through those tough times. Learning to notice one's own patterns, thoughts, coping, emotions, and physiological experience is a process that can lead to a greater sense of well-being.   


A qualified Counsellor or Therapist can offer a space for you to explore your internal and interpersonal experiences.  An outside perspective, from a place of acceptance and non-judgement are some of the gifts of the therapeutic relationship.


Counselling is not easy, though it should be a process that involves a supportive and safe relationship in which to feel heard, to develop new ways of seeing, and a space in which to practice being your authentic, vulnerable self. 

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