Practicing mindfulness in everyday life can improve our ability to cope with stressors, to navigate the thoughts and feelings that arise from interactions with self, others, and the world. A daily practice and can prepare us for unexpected challenges. Being attuned to one's internal experience in the present moment offers possibilities for responding in a wise and compassionate way.
"Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” ~Jon Kabat-Zinn
As living beings, we are built for survival. We have innate and learned capacities that help us to survive and thrive. Early life experiences prime the development of adaptations meant to keep us safe. As we grow we may find that what was once helpful is no longer serving us well. From the internal dialogue and accompanying feelings and coping strategies, there may be times that our system becomes overwhelmed, causing us to react with a fight/flight/freeze response. One's response might be big or small, conscious or not conscious, and it could be helpful or not.
Practicing breathing, noticing the thoughts and feelings as they arise through the day, along with other ways to regulate the nervous system can do much to improve coping and decision-making. Mindfulness and living with presence can improve health, wellness, quality of life and interpersonal relationships.
There are many ways a person can nurture a grounded and balanced way of being that fosters health and wellness. Living in a zone of calm alertness offers an optimal mind-body state.
Each person's experience is unique, though generally speaking, our minds and bodies function at their best when there is just the right amount of mental & physiological stimulation and social & emotional safety.
Here are some ways that we can nurture that zone of 'just-rightness'.
Connecting with the natural world attends to our emotional, mental, physical & spiritual needs.